The check or draft is printing too high or printing too low; or the check is too small or too big.
CheckWriter Cloud will print perfectly every time, on every printer manufactured after 1998!
If your MICR item is printing too high or low, or printing too large or small, the most common reason is SCALING.
In the print menu for the BROWSER you are using, IE, Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome be sure FIT TO PAGE IS NOT CHECKED OFF.
If there is a setting for SCALING be sure it is at 100% and not 95% or 105%.
You can be sure the item is printed properly if the dotted line prints directly on the check's bottom perforation so that when the item is torn off, the dotted printed line disappears.
The other reason your check or draft could print improperly is if you are using the incorrect blank check stock. You should use Business Size TOP Check or 3-per-page Federal Reserve Board of Governors Regulation 'CC' blank check stock only.